6 September, Justice Sir Kenneth Keith, ONZ, KBE, QC, of the International Court of Justice launched Worldlii’s? International Law Library
Graham Greenleaf of Austlii writes….
The library can be found at http://www.worldlii.org/int/special/ihl/
The Library now includes 76 databases with nearly 100,000 searchable documents; including databases of decisions of 35 international Courts and Tribunals; 27 databases of Treaties; UN resolutions; and thousands of law journal articles on international law. It is still expanding rapidly.
A two page brochure outlining the Library is at http://www.worldlii.org/int/special/ihl/brochure.pdf
The Press Release is at http://www.austlii.edu.au/austlii/announce/2010/2.pdf .
WorldLII search results are also fully integrated with the LawCite citator.?
The Library is being developed under an Australian Research Council infrastructure (LIEF) grant.