We’d prefer an i Pad but we shouldn’t be greedy!
Anyway… complete their survey and you could win a Kindle or some i tunes vouchers
This is what they say
This is the link? http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C9P6MXH
Over the years, William S. Hein & Co., Inc. & HeinOnline have grown to become a well-known legal research source for both print and online research needs. In doing so, our product lines have expanded online, and therefore so have our communications. In an effort to better understand your needs and to be able to serve you with information and news relevant to you, we invite you to participate in a short survey about our current methods used to communicate new products, news, and information to you. With the survey results, our goal is to further refine the options available to you for receiving email communications and notifications from us. Please click Next to start the survey.
The first 25 participants will receive a $5 iTunes card!
All participants will be entered to win a new Kindle 3G + Wi-Fi!