Will More Efficient Database Training By Firms Reduce Publishers Operating Profit

Here at HOB we’d suggest that both major publishers rely a great deal for revenue on innefficient searching by poorly trained paralegals who really don’t know about the ins and outs of these databases..

At one firm in the US they’ve decided enough is enough – — Thanks to 3 Geeks and a Law blog for this story. We’d imagine a number of firms have begun to look more seriously at ways of curbing their database costs along with this one mentioned in the piece

This won’t please management at either of the big database publishers because even they know that the market can’t currently cope with increased charges for database services.. so yet again another nibble that reduces revenue and thus profits


3 Geeks and a Law Blog write

Inefficient Westlaw Searches Causes One National Firm to Hold Mandatory Training for Associates

A memo (see snippet below) was sent out to all associates at one national firm last week mandating any associate that “utilizes or intends to utilize Westlaw” to attend a training session to learn the firm’s “Best Practices”. I’m actually glad to see that a firm has stepped up and created a “Best Practices” manual for using resources like Westlaw, and is using the professional staff in the library to do the training (rather than having the Westlaw rep come in and do it for them.)
Training is “supposed” to be an ongoing event for the firm, especially on a product like Westlaw that can be one of the biggest expenses for the firm. But, let’s be honest… how many associates attend the weekly or monthly training sessions held in the library? Probably very few. What firms are left with then are self-taught associates that probably do not understand the difference between an in-contract search versus an out-of-contract search… or how cost recovery even works. I’m sure many of us have heard someone ask “it’s all in our Westlaw contract, right? Therefore it doesn’t cost the firm for me to use it, right?” And then watch their eyes glaze over when you explain what each search costs the firm, and how the firm eats the costs of their searches that are not billable to a client


Link here to see the firm memo? http://www.geeklawblog.com/2010/04/inefficient-westlaw-searches-causes-one.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+geeklawblog+%283+Geeks+and+a+Law+Blog%29