Wildlife Trafficking under the Lens of International Law

An address to the Ninth Annual Cambridge International Law (CILJ) Conference in April 2020, in Panel 2: Risk, Diligence and Decision-making in International Humanitarian Law, Security and Arms Control, by Prof Fulvia Staiano, Adjunct Professor of International Law and European Union Law, Giustino Fortunato University, and Associate at the Institute for Research on Innovation and Services for Development of the National Research Council of Italy.


Full title: “Wildlife Trafficking under the Lens of International Law: Threat to the Peace or Serious Transnational Crime?”

The Cambridge International Law Journal 9th Annual Cambridge International Law Conference on the theme of ‘International Law and Global Risks: Current Challenges in Theory and Practice‘ was held as an online webinar series due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

For more information about the conference, and the Journal, see http://cilj.co.uk/