What Can I Do After Passing The Bar Exam? Exploring Career Paths

Every law student who plans to take the bar exam knows it’s not something to take lightly. You have to accumulate a massive amount of law content in a short period of time while also learning how to apply the knowledge in a simulated situation. 

Sure, there are many high-quality bar prep courses and resources to help you with learning and exam practice. But you also need to think about your path after you pass the exam. Some students get so focused on the bar examination that they feel lost and confused after they pass this hurdle.

And it’s easy to see why. With over 60,000 people taking the bar examination each year, the law sector doesn’t lack candidates eager to start their professional journey. So is it really worth stretching yourself thin for a sector that’s full to the brim? 

As it turns out, law graduates that manage to pass the bar exam have a wide range of opportunities in the work field. Plus, not all these opportunities are about becoming a lawyer or being involved in a court of law. 

So if you’re wondering about job opportunities as a fresh law graduate, here are a few ideas to get you started:

Negotiation And Conflict Resolution

Law graduates are well-spoken, articulate, and good at thinking fast under pressure. Plus, they are good communicators and can (or should be able to) diffuse conflictual conversations by bringing solid arguments in favor of resolution and negotiation. 

If you like this aspect of your education, you can find a great position as a contract negotiator or a mediator. These positions don’t require a law degree, but it’s definitely an advantage. Plus, you can find a position within a governmental agency if you don’t feel comfortable in the business sector.

The average salary for a mediator is $51,000 but you can advance rather easily in order to increase your earnings. 


While opening your own law practice is not an easy feat, you do have the necessary legal knowledge to build a business from the ground up. You’re also a proficient contract negotiator and chances are you will be able to create a solid support network during law school. 

As a law graduate, you can help other entrepreneurs make sure their businesses are in order and provide guidance and counsel on how to deal with various situations. 

While the initial earnings won’t be too high, this position has its perks as it allows for a flexible schedule with minimal work investment.

Technology Jobs

As the world becomes more entangled with advanced technology, there will be new legal issues to solve. This is why many law graduates can find a high-earning job with large and medium-sized tech companies, technology startups, and even as lawyers working privacy-related cases.

Furthermore, if you have analytical thinking and enjoy working with data, there’s a good chance you can take a data analysis job in companies that develop machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that help predict the outcome of various legal matters.

Of course, there’s also a growing fear that AI-based systems will take over the legal system, but for now, these fears don’t have a base in reality. Still, many lawyers and people working in the law field will have to work alongside or for technology companies.

Wrap Up

Whether you choose to work for a governmental agency, become a lawyer, or dive into the business world, as a law graduate, there are many opportunities you can try. Just make sure to choose the ones that pique your interest and also have a chance to resist in a tech-dominated future.