What are firms saying about their Russian work & Clients

Via the excellent Lawyer Blog …

Live blog: Russia invades Ukraine

What are firms saying about their Russian work?

Condemnation of Russia’s invasion is widespread and firms are starting to make positions known through official channels.

Linklaters said: “We’re actively monitoring the situation and working to ensure the safety and support of colleagues and their families. We’re also reviewing all of the firm’s Russia-related work.”

Slaughter and May said: “As the situation develops rapidly, we continue to review our position to ensure we comply fully with sanctions applied to Russian entities and individuals.”

Hogan Lovells said: “We continue to closely monitor the situation and the fast-evolving laws and sanctions globally and to align our client work, and our operations, accordingly.  That may mean ceasing work where appropriate.  We continually evaluate our operations and portfolio of work and any new client mandates to ensure we are complying with sanctions requirements and local government guidance, including the advice from UK, U.S. and other governments.  Our thoughts are with all those people affected by the situation in Ukraine, including many of our own colleagues who have relatives in the region.

“Due to the way our firm is structured, we are able to continue to operate our Moscow office. As this is a fast-evolving situation we are closely monitoring any changes and reviewing our position as required.”