Welsh Government lawyer who wrote Covid laws ‘took own life after mental health struggle’

ITV News UK reports

A Welsh Government lawyer who was responsible for writing Covid laws took his own life after struggling with acute stress and mental health problems, an inquest has heard.

Owain Vaughan Morgan, 44, was found dead in a Cardiff woodland in April last year after his wife reported him missing.

An inquest into his death at Pontypridd Coroners’ Court, heard that in January 2020, Mr Morgan was promoted to his first managerial role as a lawyer with the Welsh Government which involved writing Covid legislation.

The inquest heard he found the job “difficult and stressful” with long hours.

It was also said that Mr Morgan found working from home hard, which resulted in him suffering a nervous breakdown in May 2020 where he experienced panic attacks.Mr Morgan’s GP described how over several months, his mental health was monitored and he was given support, including being signposted to cognitive behavioural therapy.

But his mental health reached a crisis point in February 2021, when he made an attempt to take his own life. He was admitted to University Hospital Llandough later that day and he was signed off work.

Source:  https://www.itv.com/news/wales/2022-10-20/lawyer-who-wrote-wales-covid-laws-took-own-life-after-struggling-with-stress