Webinar:How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Future of Legal Marketing

Sorry we missed supplying you this info earlier, here’s the info in case you think it worth getting in touch for more info

Haley Carson

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Future of Legal Marketing

Thursday, December 8, 2016
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. CT

Domain: Business of Law, Marketing Management & Leadership

Artificial Intelligence is looming as the most disruptive change to our industry and in marketing since the world wide web. The functions of law firms are being disaggregated, automated, moved to non-lawyer providers and moved in-house. At the same time, the roles and tools of marketers in every industry are being transformed by AI. Over the next few years, what we sell will substantially change as will how we market and sell it. AI will have major impacts on cross-selling, client service, branding, business development and every other aspect of legal marketing. This change is not futuristic speculation; it is well underway and accelerating. This session will help you understand what AI is and what it isn’t, how it will change the legal industry and how it will impact legal marketing. We will provide resources for you to follow to keep abreast of this rapidly changing field.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Explain the basics of artificial intelligence and be able to intelligently discuss it within your firm
  • Summarize how AI is transforming law firms and the provision of legal services
  • Understand how these changes will impact the role of the legal marketing professional

Elonide Semmes, President, Right Hat
Mark T. Greene, Ph.D., Consultant

Price: Complimentary for Members