Virtual Event: The Future for International Businesses and NGOs Under the ‘New’ Hong Kong


Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 9:30am


Virtual event, registration required

The promulgation of the National Security Law by Beijing is a paradigm shift for Hong Kong’s legal and political environment. The concept of ‘national security’ under the People’s Republic of China (PRC) law is broad and overarching. In combination with this and other restrictions from Beijing, the National Security Law has created a new environment under which international businesses and NGOs need to understand the risks they face. During this discussion, Dennis Kwok, Senior Fellow at the Ash Center, and Elizabeth Donkervoort, Program Director for East Asia, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, will further explore these issues, also outlined in their recently published joint paper, “The Risks for International Business under the Hong Kong National Security Law.”

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Virtual Event Details

Registration is required for this event. Please register using the link above to receive details via email for how to join the virtual discussion. This event will be recorded and a link to the recording will be sent out afterward to all who register.

You can submit questions to the panelists in advance during the registration process. A live Q&A will also be available during the event with an option to submit questions in real-time.

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