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China to Legislate on Judgment Enforcement, Draft Civil Compulsory Enforcement Law under Deliberation
In June 2022, the Draft Civil Compulsory Enforcement Law (hereinafter the “Draft”) was submitted to a session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) for deliberation for the first time. According to a spokesperson of the Commission of Legislative Affairs of the NPC Standing Committee, the upcoming 35th session of the Standing… (See Article)
Sanctions Update: UK Bans New Investment in Russia and Imposes Significant Additional Sanctions
The ban hits new investment in Russia and certain professional services, while also restricting imports of Russian oil, coal, and gold and exports of key industrial goods. This Client Alert is published in the context of ongoing developments and should be read in conjunction with Latham’s previous sanctions updates. Please see full Alert below for more information… (See Article)
Big shakeups under way in much-criticized U.S. health agencies
While most regular folks wouldn’t give a hill of beans about the organization of bureaucracies in Washington, D.C., frustrated taxpayers should be taking note of seismic rumblings about restructurings that are shaking some of the biggest, most powerful, and influential federal health agencies. Biden Administration officials, in one of their notable moves, have announced that… (See Article)
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