USA: Lawyers Estate In California Has 1000 + Law Books For Sale

Here is the list as advertised on Craigslist

I have inherited a massive collection of books from a law form. I have listed them all below. There is no room to provide pictures of each so I can text pictures of specific books upon request. I am looking to sell quickly as I would like the space back so I am offering them all up to the best offer and first bidder. If interested, please call or text show contact info for more information or to schedule a viewing.

Full Sets:

American Jurisprudence Legal Forms (1984)

American Jurisprudence Pleading and Practice Forms (1989)

American Jurisprudence (Second Edition)

American Jurisprudence Trials

Handling Accident Cases

Trial Lawyer’s Series (1991)

Nebraska Forms Annotated

Damages in Tort Actions

Modern Damages

Annotated Forms of Pleading and Practice by Hillyer

Wigmore on Evidence

Modern Legal Forms

Anderson’s Uniform Commercial Code

American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts

Nichols Cyclopedia of Legal Forms

Rabkin & Johnson Current Legal Forms

Corporate Secrtary’s Encyclopedia (4 Volumes)

Restatement of the Law : Trusts (2 Volumes)

Business Torts\

Nebraska Digest

Revised Statutes of Nebraska

Employment Discriminiation Larson

Norton Bankruptcy Law and Practice

Close Corporations

Products Liability

Individual Publications:

Constitutional Law

Debtor-Creditor Law

Business Planning

Federal Income Taxation (Both Volumes)

Cases and Materials on Torts

Cases and Materials on Evidence

Cases on Commercial Law

Cases on Future Interests and Estate Planning

Cases on Trusts and Succession

Elements on Civil Procedure

Securities Regulation

Nebraska Jury Instruction

Federal Rules of Evidence, Nebraska (2008)

Criminal Law and Its Processes

The Lawyer in Modern Societty

Cases and Materials on Family Law

Federal Taxation of Gifts, Trusts and Estates


Contract Law

Conflict of Law

Basic Insurance Law

Basic Property Law

Federal Tax Course


Nebraska Rules of Court Annotated

Nebraska Court Rules and Procedures 2003

How To Prove Injuries in Wrongful Personal Injury and Death Cases by Avnet

Nebraska Jury Instructions Civil and Criminal

Business Insurance Agreements

Ethics in the Practice of Law

Law for Engineers and Architects

The Law of Public Education

Corporate Meetings Minutes and Resolutions

Evidence by McCormick

How to Prove a Prima Facie Case

Negligence Cases Winning Strategy

Barthold: Attorney’s Guide to Effective Discovery Techniques

Anatomy of a Personal Injury

How to Win Lawsuits Before Juries

Handbook for the Legal Secretary Leslie Coffin

The Terrible Truth About Lawyers McCormack

Discharging Student Debt in Bankruptcy

Subcharter S Taxation

An Automobile Accident Suit by Anderson

Nebraska Automobile Negligence Law by Simmons

Wigmore’s Principals of Judicial Proof

The Lawyer’s Handbook

Leases Percentage Short and Long Term

Nebraska Jury Instruction Civil

Federal Civil Judicial Procedure and Rules

Mangrum On Nebraska Evidence

Laws of Nebraska (2 Volumes)

The Legal Word Book

Nebraska Real Estate Practice Manual

Dispute Resolutions and Lawyers

Associations and the Tax Laws