USA: Documentary, “Balancing The Scales” Will Highlight Discrimination Faced By Female Lawyers reports today on a new documentary that will be aired on public television in the US later in the year.

They write……Millions of people across the country will soon better understand the struggles that women lawyers face every day to succeed in the legal profession.

Starting in July, more than 260 public television stations across the country will begin showing the documentary “Balancing the Scales,” a film by Georgia lawyer and filmmaker Sharon Rowen. American Public Media is distributing the film to affiliates in all the major markets, including New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami and Atlanta. Stations are allowed to play the show any time over the next two years.

The movie delves into how discrimination against women lawyers has changed over the years, why female lawyers currently are leaving the legal profession en masse, and which cultural biases about work and childcare are still impacting women lawyers.

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