The Congressional-Executive Commission on China is looking to fill multiple professional staff positions responsible for monitoring and reporting on China’s compliance with international human rights standards and Chinese domestic law, assist in the development of legislative and advocacy initiatives, and draft oversight letters. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise related to one or more of the following areas: Freedom of Expression, Criminal Justice, China’s Human Rights Violations in the United States and Globally, and Business and Human Rights. A more detailed job description is attached and copied below for your reference. The deadline for applying for these positions is March 13, 2023 by 12:00 a.m. EDT and interested applicants should submit a brief cover letter, resume, short writing sample (5 pages or less), and the names and contact information for two references to We would very much appreciate your assistance in circulating this announcement to your professional networks.
Thank you,
Matt Squeri
Deputy Staff Director
Congressional-Executive Commission on China
243 Ford House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 | (202) 841.1017
Professional Staff – Multiple Positions
The Congressional-Executive Commission on China is a bipartisan, bicameral, dual-branch commission with a legislative mandate to monitor the human rights record of the People’s Republic of China and the development of the rule of law in China. The Commission consists of Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, and senior officials from the Executive Branch. The Commission holds hearings, conducts research to support legislation, issues an Annual Report, and maintains a database of political prisoners in China, among other activities. For more information on the Commission, see
The Commission is seeking multiple professional staff to monitor and report on substantive issues pertaining to the mandate of the Commission. Professional staff will assess China’s compliance or noncompliance with international human rights standards and Chinese domestic law, assist in the development of legislative and advocacy initiatives, and draft oversight letters. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise related to one or more of the following areas:
- Freedom of Expression (e.g., censorship, press freedom, internet freedom, etc.)
- Criminal Justice (e.g., extralegal, extrajudicial, and otherwise arbitrary detention and other issues related to political prisoners)
- China’s Human Rights Violations in the United States and Globally (e.g., transnational repression, economic coercion, political influence activities, engagement in international institutions, etc.)
- Business and Human Rights (e.g., corporate complicity with forced labor, censorship, surveillance, and worker rights violations; the use of forced labor in supply chains and compliance with the provisions of legislation such as the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act; etc.).
Main duties:
- Monitor and research Chinese and English language sources (media, government, NGO) for developments relating to issue areas as assigned based on candidate expertise and the team’s division of issue portfolios.
- Identify and analyze key developments and report on their significance orally and in writing, including drafting sections of the Commission’s Annual Report, short analysis pieces, legislation, public statements, press releases, and oversight letters.
- Research political prisoner cases and create and maintain case records in the CECC Political Prisoner Database.
- Assist in organizing CECC public hearings and roundtables.
- Possible travel to U.S. cities or foreign locations on official business.
- Demonstrated ability to perform research in Chinese at an advanced level is required.
- Candidates will preferably have a law degree or a Ph.D. or M.A. Other candidates with very strong credentials will also be considered.
- Strong oral and written communication skills, and the interpersonal skills and enthusiasm to work under tight deadlines as part of a team.
Application Procedure:
- Please submit a brief cover letter, resume, short writing sample (5 pages or less), and the names and contact information for two references to The deadline for applications is March 13, 2023 by 12:00 a.m, EDT. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.
- The Congressional-Executive Commission on China is an equal opportunity employer. The Commission does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, or military status. The Commission strongly encourages applications from candidates who have lived or worked in mainland China, Taiwan, or Hong Kong, who have relevant lived experience and/or have been directly impacted by issues related to the Commission’s mandate.