We are pleased to announce that Rowman & Littlefield has approved a proposal for a Third Edition to The Handbook of Black Librarianship. The First Edition was edited by Dr. E.J. Josey and Ann Allen Shockley in 1977. The Second Edition by Dr. Josey and Marva L. DeLoach was published in 2000. We and the publisher agree it is time for an updated edition that explores issues, advances, and contributions in Black Librarianship over the past twenty-two years.
The co-editors of this edition are Andrew ‘Sekou’ Jackson, who co-edited the award winning The 21st Century Black Librarian in America: Issues and Challenges; Marva L. DeLoach; and Michele Fenton, who recently co-authored, “Leading While Black: Are We Up for the Challenge?”, which appears in The Black Librarian in America: Reflections, Resistance, and Reawakening. Michele is also creator of the blog, Little Known Black Librarian Facts, where she explores the history of African Americans and libraries.
It is our goal to produce a volume of valuable and timely resources and critical essays that address today’s needs and challenges. We welcome essay(s) that represent all aspects of librarianship and all library professionals – support staff, technical staff, librarians, degreed and non-degreed library professionals, library administration, trustees, volunteers, Friends of the Library, and retirees. You are encouraged to submit your essays for consideration.
Essays are to be double spaced and submitted in Office Word and should be between 2,500 and 3,500 words. Submissions should include your name, email address, cell number, and a 3–4-line identification bio for the Contributors section.
Essay should be submitted in Calibri font, double-spaced, and include footnotes, works cited, and documented according to MLA 09.
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023
Email submissions to: BlackHandbook3rdEd@gmail.com
The new edition will include the following sections:
Book Dedication
Bibliography of Works by Dr. E. J. Josey (with photo)
Tributes to Dr. E.J. Josey
Part I
- Pioneers and Landmark Episodes
- A Chronology of Events in Black Librarianship
- African American Forerunners in Librarianship
Part II Black Library/Librarian Associations and Collaborations in the 21st Century
Part III Vital Issues
- Issues, Impact and Values in Black Librarianship
Chapters that address issues Black Librarians feel are vital to our profession with special emphasis on those changes, progress, and areas/issues still of concern as we draw closer to closing out the first quarter of the 21st Century)
- Issues in Graduate Schools and Graduate School
Progress graduate schools have made preparing students for 21st Century librarianship?
What progress has been made in multicultural faculty recruitment?
Areas still in need of improvement? Library Schools at HBCU’s.
- Issues in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Multiculturalism
Discussion on the progress in EDI over the last 20 years.
How has EDI impacted the BIPOC library professional?
How have BIPOC library professionals changed how we serve our communities?
Current issues still to be addressed. Affirmative Action Issues.
- Issues and Advances in Medical Librarianship
How has access to health information changed over the past 20 years?
Major advances in technological approaches/thinking impacting health information.
What major changes have we seen in audiences seeking health information?
The impact of health information outreach:
- a) On physicians; scientists; other health professionals; health profession students?
- b) On the wellness movement or on health information libraries.
- c) The impact of the recent Pandemic on libraries and library service?
- Issues by Library Professionals Without an MLS/MLIS Degree
Issues and concerns by those library professionals and support staff who may not have an MLS/MLIS.
Part IV Service to Our Communities
Academic Libraries Public Libraries School Libraries Special Libraries Rural Libraries
State and Federal Libraries Collaboration with Museums
What progress has been made in serving communities over the last 20 years?
Triumphs. Challenges met. Areas still in need of improvement?
The impact of collaborations between libraries and museums in servicing our communities.
Part V Library Technology and Black Librarianship
How has technology enhanced the jobs of library professionals?
Changes and impact as a result of the Digital Divide and Social Media. Pros & Cons.
Part VI Pearls of Wisdom from Our Retirees
A reflection by retirees on librarianship and the Black Librarian today.
Sharing words of wisdom and encouragement with librarians today?
Retirees’ views on challenges and triumphs over the last 20 years and those still needed.
Part VII Global Issues in Libraries in the African Diaspora
Part VIII Banned Books and Censorship Issues
A discussion on banned books and censorship in schools and libraries and its impact on serving communities. Challenges, attacks, and restrictions on Freedom of Information. The impact of false CRT teaching arguments on libraries and library programming in public and school libraries.
Part IX Books, Periodicals and Other Resources Recommended for Black Collections
Bibliographies/chapters about books, periodicals of value for inclusion in Black Collections.
About the Contributors
Looking forward to your reply and submissions for this edition.
Andrew ‘Sekou’ Jackson Marva L. DeLoach Michele Fenton