US: San Antonio lawyer weighs in on vaccine mandate concerns

Kelli Cubeta says because the mandate is in the early stages, a clear understanding is still in development

SAN ANTONIO – On the heels of President Joe Biden’s announcement that all employers with over 100 employees and those who work for the federal government now must get the Covid-19 vaccine, one local lawyer is addressing some questions that have surfaced in response.

Kelli Cubeta, with the Cubeta Law Group, advises businesses to pause on any changes to their policies as this mandate is still evolving.

“I would say to just sit and wait,” Cubeta said. “For now, employees and employers just wait until we know more before you spend a lot of time getting upset or putting policies in place that may not be consistent with what the actual rule says.”

One of the questions many are asking deals with the legality of the mandate.

“There are certain industries it is acceptable,” Cubeta said. “In the health care industry, it is commonly required that those people in a very sterile type of setting that they are required to be vaccinated.”