US Lawyer Will Give $US25K To Charity If He Gets 25K Followers

Good marketing ploy — look we’re reporting it !

Blogging lawyer  Bill Marler doesn’t think he can top Ashton Kutcher, but he has been inspired by the actor’s agreement to donate 10,000 malaria nets to charity as a result of winning a race with CNN to sign up 1 million Twitter followers.

The Seattle based  personal injury lawyer says he wants 25,000 additional Twitter followers by the end of the month, and will donate $25,000 to a charity if he achieves the goal.

Marler, who represents victims of food-borne illnesses, made the offer in a post at his Marler Blog on April 17, when he had about 1,650 followers. Three days later, Marler tells the ABA Journal, he has an additional 275 or so followers.

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