US Law Profs Take West To Court Over Misrepresentation of Authors In Update

We should be surprised but we’re not? .. if they don’t win the case then we will be surprised.. Outrageous behaviour

Rudovsky v. West Publishing Goes to Trial
December 15, 2010

The Legal Intelligencer reports:

?a federal court jury began hearing testimony Monday in a defamation suit brought by two law professors against West Publishing.

Professors David Rudovsky of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Leonard Sosnov of Widener School of Law claim that West harmed their reputations when it falsely identified them as the authors of a poorly researched treatise update.

According to the complaint, the professors ?were unable to reach agreement on the financial terms? for creating either a new edition of their treatise or an updated pocket part.? And, ?in December 2008, without providing any notice to the Plaintiffs,? West published a pocket part to the treatise with the professors listed as authors (and ?in smaller print, also identified ?The Publisher?s Staff? as an author?).


Full report at?