US Firms Paying Top $ For Lawyers In Germany

Interesting but unsurprising read post Brexit ….

Hans-Ulrich Wilsing makes a good living as a partner with Linklaters, a large German law firm based in Düsseldorf. But even he is astonished by the some of the offers being made today by US firms looking for a piece of corporate transactions in Germany. “Headhunters are running around with money bags,” he says. Today, top attorneys can negotiate salaries of €3 to 4 million ($3.2 to 4.2 million) a year, guaranteed for up to five years. In some cases, employers even throw in a €1.5 million signing bonus. The reason? Takeovers such as that of US seed producer Monsanto by German pharmaceutical giant Bayer, which translate into nine-figure proceeds for legal representation.

While major US investment banks have been established in Germany for years, American law firms have taken a back seat to their German and British counterparts. Hogan Lovells is the only law firm with US roots that ranks in the German top ten.

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