Updated Federal Library Directory Increases Accessibility to US Agency Libraries

Updated Federal Library Directory Increases Accessibility to US Agency Libraries

The “Federal Library Directory,” now in an updated second edition, profiles federal libraries and information centers in the United States and abroad. Presented with an interactive map, the directory displays geographic and collections data from nearly 1,400 federal libraries.

The Federal Library and Information Network (FEDLINK) offers this public dataset for scholars and library researchers to access relevant data on federal libraries. To view the dynamic map or access a PDF of the dataset, visit the FEDLINK Federal Directory website for more information.

Sponsored by FEDLINK with research support from the Federal Research Division, this digital directory provides a comprehensive view of federal agency library efforts including their collections, staff size, leadership, circulation and reference services. FEDLINK anticipates this directory will raise awareness of federal libraries and information centers and contribute to more effective use of the resources maintained by these organizations.

The Federal Library and Information Network (FEDLINK) is an organization of federal agencies working together to achieve the optimum use of the resources and facilities of federal libraries and information centers by promoting common services, coordinating and sharing available resources, and providing continuing professional education for federal library and information staff. FEDLINK serves as a forum for the discussion of the policies, programs, procedures and technologies that affect federal libraries and the information services they provide to their agencies, Congress, the federal courts and the American people.

The Federal Research Division is a fee-based research and analysis unit within the Library of Congress that produces nonpartisan products to support research-informed policy and decision-making. The division provides custom research services to federal agencies, the Washington, D.C., government and authorized federal contractors. Procurement is quick and merely requires an interagency agreement.

The Library of Congress is the world’s largest library, offering access to the creative record of the United States — and extensive materials from around the world — both on-site and online. It is the main research arm of the U.S. Congress and the home of the U.S. Copyright Office. Explore collections, reference services and other programs and plan a visit at loc.gov; access the official site for U.S. federal legislative information at congress.gov; and register creative works of authorship at copyright.gov.


Media Contact: Leah Knobel, lknobel@loc.gov
Public Contact: Robin Harvey, rhat@loc.gov

PR 23-020
ISSN 0731-3527