“Universal Music Wants to Take Frank Zappa Into the Metaverse” – Umm I think Frank was in the metaverse way before Universal was even aware of the interweb!!

The usual story of those in business being 2 or 3 generations behind the artist.

I remember seeing this on the Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC2) back in the day. I’d suggest both Zappa and the animator were well aware of the concept before those in suits even knew who IBM were !



Universal Music Group said it’s planning to launch Frank Zappa NFTs and Web3 projects, after buying the late musician’s estate and likeness from his family for an undisclosed sum.

Zappa, who passed away of prostate cancer in 1993, released over 60 albums over his four-decade career. The eccentric American musician and guitarist was known for his free speech activism and anti-establishment criticism. He also served as a one-time cultural ambassador to Czechoslovakia in 1990.