Here’s what they say in their About Us section
What is Law and Your Environment?
Law and Your Environment is a public information website provided by UKELA, the UK Environmental Law Association.
It is a free online resource providing information about UK environmental law and policy across the four nations as well as key rights and responsibilities as UK citizens.
What is UKELA?
UKELA is a charity and membership organisation for those working in or interested in UK environmental law. You can find out more on UKELA’s website.
UKELA’s aims include promoting the conservation of the environment in the UK for public benefit and advancing public education in matters to do with law relating to the environment. The Law and Your Environment website forms part of these aims.
Aims of Law and Your Environment
We aim to improve public access to environmental law and information, empowering people across the UK to participate in environmental matters.
As well as links to law and policy, it provides ideas for actions we can all take to help make a difference in areas such as climate change and nature conservation.
Please get in touch if you have suggestions to add to the information provided.
What does this website cover?
The website aims to provide an overview of key environmental law and policy across the four nations: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It also provides links to a range of websites containing more detailed information so you can dive into the details. It also provides links to where to seek Further support and advice.
This site covers the following environmental themes:
Here’s a couple of updates too
The Environment Act 2021 from a waste law perspective, 21 March (in person, London) NEW DATE
NEW DATE – Join us for a late afternoon seminar hosted by our Waste Working Party looking at the Environment Act 2021, in particular as it relates to waste law.
Taking place at the offices of Shoosmiths in London, our speakers are Chris Badger 6 Pump Court and Libby Peake Green Alliance, and our chair is Prof Richard Macrory Hon KC. Registration is from 3.30pm with speakers at 4pm. The event will conclude at 5.30pm. Register on our website.
Annual Conference, June 27 – July 1 (hybrid, University of Reading)
Make sure to add dates to your diaries for the Annual Conference taking place during the week of June 27 – July 1. It will run as a hybrid event, with some sessions fully online across the week. Two days of plenaries, keynotes and legal updates will take place at the University of Reading on the Friday and Saturday, together with plenty of networking and social interaction.
Stand by for more details, including how to book, coming soon. In the meantime, please keep your diary free.