UKLEA: Introduction to wildlife law course 2023, 8-10 November (in person, Nottingham)

Introduction to wildlife law course 2023, 8-10 November (in person, Nottingham)

We still have spaces available on our Introduction to Wildlife Law course on 8-10 November, which takes place in Nottingham. This is always a very popular course, and has run for nearly 30 years!  Over the years participants have included staff from Government departments, statutory bodies, local authorities, NGOs and business. All tutors have a wealth of experience of wildlife law and the course continues to provide an excellent introduction to Wildlife Law.

The annual course held under the auspices of the UK Environmental Law Association’s (UKELA) Nature Conservation Working Party, will this year be held at the Nottingham Offices of Browne Jacobson solicitors.

The course is designed to introduce the wildlife law framework in England and Wales focusing upon species and Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRAs) legislation and providing participants with the chance to look at relevant case studies.

Emphasis will be placed on the practical rather than the academic impact of the law.  The experienced team of course tutors will seek to make the issue come alive by reference to real casework situations and thus to take away some of the mystique attached to law and to de-mystify some of the jargon.

Please do book your spot on our website.

2023 Annual Garner Lecture with Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee, 22 November (hybrid, London)

The frontpage headline in a recent feature in the Guardian reports on the likely legal challenges to Rishi Sunak’s net zero U-turn. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is referenced, alongside a quote from Chris Stark, the CCC’s chief executive who warned “…he was finding it hard not to be disappointed” by the government’s moves. “Earlier is generally better,” he said of policies to switch to electric vehicles and heat pumps.”

Chris Stark is our speaker at this year’s Garner Lecture on 22 November, which makes the evening a particularly timely event. Taking place at Ashurst in London, we also have a regional live streaming hub confirmed in Bristol with others planned, and an online option.

Members – £20; Non-members – £30, and Students – £5. For further information and to register, visit our website.