UKLEA Bursary Funds – Apply For Wildlife Law Bursary, deadline 2 September & Student Vocational Bursary Scheme 2022, deadline 20 May

Apply to UKELA’s Bursary Funds 

We have two bursary funds available at UKELA and are now accepting applications.

Student Vocational Bursary Scheme 2022, deadline 20 May

The UKELA Student Vocational Bursary Fund is an award of up to £1000 that is intended to enable students who otherwise may not be able to undertake a period of vocational placement (such as an internship or externship) in the field of environmental law.

Placements may be with a public body (e.g. a government department, local authority, regulatory agency), with a non-for-profit organisation such as a non-governmental organisation, with a university department, in private practice (legal or otherwise), or any other vocational placement which would further the charitable objects of UKELA.

More information, including how previous recipients found the bursary useful may be found in the students section on the website.

If you wish to be considered for the 2022 bursary award, please complete the application form returning it no later than 3pm on 20 May 2020. A decision will be announced the week commencing 30 May 2022, with reports being required by November 2022.


Wildlife Law Bursary, deadline 2 September

UKELA’s Nature Conservation Working Party working party is launching an annual bursary of up to £1,000 to support a post graduate research project addressing wildlife law.

Applications are invited to be submitted by Friday 2 September briefly setting out the proposed research project. The project must address a legal issue or issues affecting nature conservation in the UK or within the UK’s overseas territories.

Applications will be considered by the chair and convenors of the working party together with at least two of the wildlife law course tutors. The award will be made by the 28 October.

The successful candidate will produce a paper and be required to give a presentation on the project and the conclusions reached at a meeting of the Nature Conservation Working Party, either at the UKELA Annual Conference 2023 or in September 2023. The paper will be published in the UKELA journal e-law.

For further information please see our website.