Our theme this year is sustainable cities, with three packed plenaries and special updates on Brexit and US developments.
Here are the details
Nottingham, Friday 7th – Sunday 9th July 2017
‘Cities of the Future’
– legal challenges & opportunities for more sustainable living
UKELA Conference ‘eye-opening, inspiring and informative…’ Join us and judge for yourself!
Our theme this year is sustainable cities, with three packed plenaries and special updates on Brexit and US developments.
Regular conference goers know that UKELA’s main event of the year is great value professional development. Here’s what last year’s delegates said:
“A very interesting and enjoyable experience…gave me grater insight into the issues driving UK environmental law.”
“An eye-opening, inspiring and informative event…I am already planning my return next year.”
“Great to get a sense of the impressive group of lawyers who make up UKELA.”
With a packed programme and 7.5 hours of accredited CPD, you can update your know-how for the year in one hit and grow your network.
Please join us by booking your conference place by clicking on our event website. To help keep the conference affordable for everyone, we are making a number of reduced cost places available for academic, NGO and student members as usual, with a number of reduced cost places held for public sector members too. http://ukela.sym-online.com/ukelaannualconference2017/
And as a reminder of the fantastic CPD our conference offers, you can access the recently published Brighton 2016 conference proceedings using this members-only link to the UKELA website. Many thanks go to our publishers, Lawtext and Environmental Law and Management for their help with this.
We look forward to seeing you in Nottingham next month!
Conference Team 2017
Thank you to our main sponsors for 2017: