UKELA Adds New Bods To Executive Committee

New Faces on the Executive Committee

We are delighted to announce that Warren Percival and Nina Pindham are stepping up to the Executive Committee; the new team is now:

  • Ned Westaway – Chair
  • Philip Hunter, Simone Davidson, Warren Percival and Nina Pindham as Vice Chairs
  • Nick Whitaker, Honorary Treasurer

The Executive Committee is our senior trustee team that is responsible for the day-to-day running of UKELA, alongside the staff team. Our Constitution sets our the rules on selection and responsibilities of Council. You can read more on our What We Do webpage.


Here are some of their upcoming events

UKELA SW Lunchtime Legal Update:  A Focus on Biodiversity – The Implications for Business, 21 July

Please join the UKELA South West Committee for a brief overview of the current legal landscape around biodiversity, to set the context for Dr Stephanie Wray from Nature Positive, who will be talking about the practical side of what biodiversity means for business. For further information and to book tickets go to our website.


UKELA Wales Working Party/Law Comission – Regulating Coal Tip Safety in Wales, 26 July 

The Law Commission’s consultation paper on reform of the law relating to coal tip safety in Wales was published on 9 June 2021. The consultation paper considers current legislation relating to coal tip safety and makes provisional proposals for a new regulatory framework in Wales. The consultation paper can be downloaded from the Law Commission’s website in both English and Welsh.

A three-month consultation period following publication will conclude on 10 September 2021. At the event, the project team will present their provisional proposals and highlight the consultation questions contained in the paper. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and to discuss the proposals.

Bookings are now open on our website.


UKELA Northern Ireland Half Day Conference, 9 September

Bookings are now open for our half day, online conference on environmental law themes in Northern Ireland.  We have assembled an expert speaker line up for this event; to see the full programme and to book your place, please go to our website.


Double Jeopardy or Win-Win:  Tackling the Biodiversity and Climate Crises Together, 13 September

Book now for this joint event from our Climate Change & Energy Working Party and Nature Conservation Working Party. Join us for an in depth discussion on evaluating natured-based solutions (NBS) projects from the perspective both of tackling the biodiversity and climate crises.  For further details and to book go to our website.


Annual Scottish Conference 2021, 23 September 

Taking place online, we are looking forward to welcoming a wide range of expert speakers. We will be covering themes from COP26 through to Environmental Standards Scotland. All are welcome -register on our website.

Not the Wild Law Weekend Seminar, 23 October 

Bookings are now open. Join us for a morning of discussion and debate – we have been fortunate to secure an excellent line up of expert speakers. Watch their presentations, after which you will have the opportunity to discuss the issues raised in an inclusive and friendly forum via our Zoom platform.  For details and to register, visit our website.

Introduction to Wildlife Law Course 2021, 7-12 November

Bookings are now open for this popular annual course.  The online course will be spread over five half day sessions, giving participants plenty of opportunities for breaks away from the screen and for individual study. A short pre-course introductory and ‘getting to know you’ session will also be held on the evening of the 7th.  Visit our website for further information and to book your place.