UK : The College of Legal Practice announces SQE programme

The College of Legal Practice is delighted to confirm it will be providing a Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) preparation programme which will include preparation for both SQE1 and 2 and access to a practice Masters qualification. This programme will complement its legal skills training giving aspiring solicitors the opportunity to join the profession and equipping them to work in a rapidly changing legal environment where understanding business skills and technology are increasingly more relevant.

Giles Proctor, CEO of The College of Legal Practice, said:

“Now that the Legal Services Board has approved the SQE, we are pleased to confirm that The College of Legal Practice will offer SQE1 and SQE2 training from summer 2021.

It is the College’s ambition to make solicitors the best possible legal practitioners they can be whilst qualifying and ensuring access to the profession is not restricted by cost or location. As such, the College is putting together a full package of preparation courses and wrap-around legal-skills based training modules to ensure solicitors are fully prepared for professional practice.”

The training programmes are currently in development to ensure the digital learning delivery is put through rigorous piloting and testing ahead of the preparation courses being offered to aspiring solicitors.

“The College shares its guiding legal training principles with Australia’s College of Law, the largest provider of practical legal training in Australia and New Zealand. It has been delivering practical legal learning since 1974 and digital programmes since 1998. Its ethos is based on the foundations of personalised learning, with students given direct access to practising solicitors for one to one supervision and interactions, whilst also having the opportunity to work with other student learners”.

Neville Carter the Chief Executive of The College of Law Australia said:

“The College of Law Australia are wholly committed as a not for profit organisation to supporting the development of legal professionals to give them the very best opportunities to secure roles in our profession, both in the UK but also in an increasingly global context. The College of Legal Practice is a vital extension of our organisation’s contribution to widening access and participation in our legal community and I am very proud to see the extension of our proposition to include the SQE preparation courses alongside our tried and tested practical legal skills training”.

The full details of the course offering will be announced in early 2021.

For more information or details please email the College on [email protected] or contact Will Richardson Associate Director Team Lewis Communications at [email protected] or Mobile 07712251687
