UK Solicitors Regulation Authority Closes Down London Firm Neumans LLP

The UK Law Gazette is reporting that  the UK  Solicitors Regulation Authority has moved to intervene in a boutique criminal law practice where “dishonesty is suspected”.


The report goes on to say….

The regulator effectively closed down central London firm Neumans LLP after intervening in both the practice and its founder Nabeel Sheikh.

In both cases the SRA says there is reason to suspect dishonesty, and to suspect the firm and Sheikh have failed to comply with rules applicable in the Administration of Justice Act.

Neumans was founded by Sheikh in 2005 and, according to its website, grew to a firm of 35 lawyers, specialising in the fields of serious crime and extradition. It also has an office in Manchester.

Described in its Twitter profile as a ‘highly ambitious’ firm, Neumans claims to have acted for leaders in business and politics, celebrities, high-net-worth individuals and people from across the professions.

According to accounts filed with Companies House, as at 31 March 2016 the firm had more than £2m in assets, with £100,000 cash at the bank and in hand. A year earlier the company’s assets were £1.25m. Amounts owed to creditors had risen from £1.37m to £2.1m.

The full report can be found at