UK: Sentencing on screen: judges’ remarks to be broadcast from Crown courts

The UK Law Gazette reports today on a major development in the UK Courts….sounds a bit like bread and circuses to us. But what do we know about the new Tory Britain !

Television crews will be allowed into Crown courts to broadcast judges’ sentencing remarks under draft legislation to be laid by the government today.

The Crown Court (Recording and Broadcasting) Order 2020 will permit the sentencing remarks of High Court and senior circuit judges in certain criminal cases to be filmed and broadcast to the public. This is the first time cameras will be allowed in Crown courts in England and Wales. Some Court of Appeal and Supreme Court cases are already live-streamed. 

According to the Ministry of Justice, recording will be restricted to sentencing remarks and no other court user – including victims, witnesses, jurors and court staff – will appear on camera. There will also be a short delay to live broadcasts to avoid breaches of reporting restrictions. Television crews will bring their own equipment so cameras will not be installed in courtrooms, the MoJ said. 

Robert Buckland QC MP, lord chancellor, said: ‘This government, alongside the judiciary, is committed to improving public understanding of our justice system and allowing cameras into the Crown court will do just that. It will ensure our courts remain open and transparent and allow people to see justice being delivered to the most serious of offenders.’

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