UK – Legal Cheek: Inner and Middle Temple come together to help Ukrainian lawyers find UK legal work

New database matches candidates with suitable employment opportunities

Inner Temple and Middle Temple are looking to provide practical employment support to Ukrainian lawyers through a new ‘matching scheme’ launched this week.

The Inns say the programme is open to Ukrainian lawyers and legal professionals currently based in the UK, many of whom have been seeking opportunities to work within the UK legal profession since fleeing the war in their home country.

The duo say these opportunities can include providing legal advice, undertaking research, or providing administrative or clerical assistance.

The scheme will collect the details of UK-based Ukrainian lawyers and those of individual barristers and chambers who are willing to offer work opportunities, mentoring or other support. It will then seek to match candidates with a suitable barrister or chambers within two weeks, based on criteria including location, practice areas, experience and opportunities sought and offered.

The 2021 Legal Cheek Chambers Most List

The Inns are also in discussions with the Ukrainian Bar Association and other networks to connect with Ukrainian lawyers who are already in the UK.

Ukrainian lawyers interested in the scheme can submit their details here, while barristers and chambers can submit their information here.