UK Law Soc Library To Re-Open As Of 19 July

Here’s the announcement…

The Law Society library will reopen by appointment from 10am to 4pm on Monday 19th July and also on Wednesday 21 July, then at the same time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout August.  Book a visit by emailing [email protected] or call the Librarians on 020 7320 5946

We look forward to welcoming you back

We also continue to operate a remote enquiry and document delivery service between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Hope everyone is keeping well

Lyn Burden

Library Services Manager


Membership Services

The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PL

t: 020 8049 3952

Follow us on Twitter – @LSlawlibrary