UK Law Librarians Team Up Online To Provide Information On Alternatives To Bloomberg Docket Product Cancellation

Sarah Chase head of Research Services at Weil, Gotshal & Manges, writes….

Thanks so much to ……. for your responses, which I have summarised below.

If anyone else has anything to add or hears of anything new, please do post the information to the list.

Here are the their thoughts


Lawtel sometimes have the Claim form and progress of a case – but very hit and miss

Daily cause lists on Lawtel just for names of companies and hearings

is sometimes helpful but very limited


CROInfo are about to offer a PAYG docket and court filing retrival service that should be comparable to Bloomberg Law (probably not the alerting though) and say they should have it ready in less than a month’s time. For us this will be easier that buying blocks of time on CE File with a credit card and trying to work out how to apportion it etc.



Our Court Docket Search means you no longer need to send resources to the UK courts to search for documents; we do the leg work for you. We carry out daily checks at Commercial, London Mercantile or Admiralty Court, Chancery Division, Queen’s Bench and the Technology and Construction Court. We’ll search the relevant court for your required documents and, if they’re available, deliver them straight to your inbox. We will visit the courts, conduct the search, pay, collect and scan the documents back to you, and this service will then be included on your normal invoice.

Our Litigation Search allows you to examine the history of legal proceedings of any company you choose to search. A Litigation Search service is a reliable tool which enables you to discover whether a company has been involved in any legal dispute(s). We provide details such as case title, issue date, case type, claimants and defendants’ names and the names of legal representatives. We are able to track legal proceedings as far back as 5 years. We have access to the legal databases of Admiralty Court (QBD), Business List (ChD), Chancery Appeals (ChD), Commercial Court (QBD), Competition List (ChD), Financial List (ChD/QBD), Insolvency and Company List (ChD), Intellectual Property List (ChD), Property Trusts and Probate Lists (ChD), Revenue List (ChD), and Technology and Construction Court (QBD).  We will search for proceedings and provide you with a full, 5-year legal history of your chosen company, all delivered to your inbox within 1 hour.


CE-File (C-Track)

You can search the public court records and request copies of documents filed. It is a time-consuming and quite expensive database to use. You will need to set up a username/password. Payment can be made by credit card or by PBA account (if you are registered)  – £11 for 15 mins; you buy time in 15 min blocks or by the hour.

CE-File User Guide sets out registration process and how to search etc: