UK Law Gazette Looking To Set Up a Gazette Reader Panel.

Here’s what they say

We know that robust, relevant research can help drive good business decisions. We can also see from our regular Gazette roundtable discussions how keen solicitors are to share their own insight, experiences, and learn from one another. We recognise the benefits this offers the whole profession. In response, we are delighted to share that we are setting up a Gazette Reader Panel.

This will be similar to our roundtable discussions, but it will be survey-led and aimed at decision-makers, influencers, and professionals with a keen interest in driving the success of their businesses.

I would like to personally invite you to participate in our upcoming Gazette research projects. We plan to develop high-quality research to help solicitors and their organisations address the challenges they face.

We will be launching regular surveys written and produced by the Law Society’s Futures and Insights team and made in collaboration with the Gazette and our sponsors. All survey responses will be amalgamated for use in our reports, which will be shared with all panellists and published on our website in due course.

We are keen to hear your expert views and opinions so if you are interested in joining the panel, please register your interest below.

By doing so, you will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw for the chance to win two Club Enclosure tickets to Gold Cup Day (15th March 2024) at the Cheltenham Festival (terms apply).

Register your interest here >

Paul Rogerson
Law Society Gazette