UK: ‘Innocence project’ launched to overturn wrongful Covid law convictions

The Standard reports

People wrongly prosecuted for breaking Covid lockdown laws could have their convictions overturned thanks to a major new legal initiative tackling miscarriages of justice.

Millions of pounds in fines were dished out during the pandemic under strict rules from Boris Johnson’s government, which banned gatherings, restricted travel, and shut down shops and businesses.

Thousands of criminal prosecutions followed, largely conducted behind-closed-doors despite fears that the myriad of complex Covid laws were being misused and those accused had not actually broken the law.

Now the Manchester Innocence Project, working with lawyers at top firm Fieldfisher, have launched a new initiative to overturn suspected miscarriages of justice under the pandemic laws.

The project follows the Partygate scandal – where rampant rule-breaking was exposed within Downing Street – and is launched in the week that former Number 10 aides Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain give evidence to the Covid Inquiry.