UK Firm Wants To Attract Chinese Speaking Lawyers

UK firm Norton Rose sent out a press release yesterday …

Announcing that they are holding a  China Open Day

They  will be will be holding an open day on 13 November 2008 for 65 Chinese speakers who are considering a career in law.

The initiative is intended to provide further information on starting a career in either London or China.
During the day the guests will be able to meet representatives from Norton Rose Group’s London and Asian offices. They will also hear from students who have completed work placements in London, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore.
The press release says ….The success of Norton Rose Group is through the strength and diversity of its people and the practice is committed to providing equal opportunities throughout the workplace.
For further information contact Sean Twomey, head of public relations on +44(0)20 7444 3740 or at sean.twomey (at)

Norton Rose LLP has over 1000 lawyers  and operates in Asia from Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Jakarta*, Shanghai, Singapore and  Tokyo.
* associate office