UK: Family cases to be livestreamed in Court of Appeal

The UK Law Gazette reports….

ourt of Appeal family cases are to be livestreamed for the first time this year as the government and senior judiciary seek to ‘bring the public gallery into the 21st century’. A statutory instrument was laid in parliament yesterday to allow a pilot.

The decision was taken following the success of a pilot livestreaming other Court of Appeal civil cases, which began in 2018. Cases broadcast under that pilot include the Heathrow 3rd runway appeals and a privacy dispute involving the Tate Modern.

The first family case will be broadcast on the judiciary’s website this year. The case has yet to be decided.

Cases with reporting restrictions will not be broadcast. Parties for cases selected for the pilot will be written ahead of the live stream and they will be given the chance to object. Anonymity can be awarded to protect a party or witness. The court will retain discretion not to live-stream a case.

The cases will be broadcast with a 90-second delay, so the judge or court clerk can halt proceedings if required. The camera will be focused on the judge’s bench. The back of lawyers’ heads might appear on screen, but never any parties or witnesses.

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