UK: Dishoom in legal battle over rhyming slang for curry

For anyone who has ever felt a little Hank Marvin after a few too many King Lears, a Ruby Murray is invariably the only remedy.

But the name – Cockney rhyming slang for curry – is at the centre of a legal battle over the rights to the use of the 1950s singer’s name.

Dishoom, the fashionable food chain, has lodged legal papers with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), the government body overseeing trademarks, to try to strip a London businessman of monopoly on the right to use Ruby Murray to describe curry.

On May 15, the company’s lawyers applied to revoke a registration secured five years ago by Tariq Aziz to use the Belfast singer’s name for all things curry-related.

Dishoom, which has restaurants in London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Birmingham , has been using Murray’s name as a heading for curries on its menu, as well as serving its own Chicken Ruby.

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