UK: CPS paralegal jailed for accessing case files

It’s a busy week in the UK for naughty lawyers !

paralegal assistant who accessed three case files more than 500 times was yesterday jailed for three years and nine months.

Muhammad Iqbal, 27, who worked for the CPS from February 2014 until his dismissal in 2021, admitted misconduct in public office and perverting the course of justice before his sentencing at Southwark Crown Court.

He accessed three files via the CPS case management system between April 2014 and May 2019 and was suspended from his role after the offending was discovered.

Iqbal, from Birmingham, accessed case files ‘within just seven weeks’ of starting at the CPS. On multiple occasions he was ‘immediately in contact’ with people connected to the defendants in the case files he accessed.

He also helped a driver escape prosecution for speeding after providing false details to the speed enforcement unit.

DCI Pete Cooke, from the regional organised crime unit for the West Midlands, which investigated Iqbal, said: ‘Within just seven weeks of Iqbal starting work at the CPS, he had been accessing the case files of a relative who was being investigated for a serious wounding. He accessed this case an incredible 593 times without any good reason to.