UK: CLIG – Look To Fill Roles – Chair & Vice Chair

The City Legal Information Group (CLIG) was set up in 1976, when it was originally called the City Law Librarians Group. Today CLIG continues to provide an ideal forum, both virtually and in London for legal information professionals to attend professional development meetings and meet socially on a regular basis.

The objectives of CLIG are to promote the role of legal information professionals, to provide them with opportunities for their professional development and to provide a friendly forum and network for mutual support and the exchange of information.

CLIG organises a wide range of events throughout the year, from talks on topical aspects to social networking opportunities.

Recently, we have delivered events such as AI in the legal sector – an overview for information professionals and Recruitment in the Corporate Legal Industry Panel Discussion. Upcoming events include AI.ChatGPT and Your Lawyers and You: A Discussion on Large Language Models and Legal Research.

Chair Role – CLIG

The role of the Chair is to lead the committee in fulfilling the remit of CLIG, information about which can be found in item 1 of the constitution.

A high-level list of duties and responsibilities includes but is not limited to:

  • Coordinating and leading monthly committee meetings
  • Identifying trends, topics of interest and training needs of the membership; working with the committee to coordinate and deliver an annual programme of events for the membership
  • Liaise with sponsors to agree on funding and dates for sponsored events
  • Lead the Annual General Meeting
  • Liaise and collaborate with other membership networks as needed (e.g. liaise with BIALL on the process of ensuring CLIG and BIALL members are offered the opportunity to apply for a CLIG sponsored bursary to the BIALL conference)

Vice Chair Role – CLIG

The role of Vice-Chair is to support the Chair. This includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Acting as second in command to the Chair, assisting the Chair with their responsibilities with a view to becoming Chair the following year
  • Chairing committee meetings where the Chair cannot attend
  • Working with the committee to coordinate and deliver an annual programme of events for the membership
  • Liaise with sponsors to agree on funding and dates for sponsored events
  • Liaise and collaborate with other membership networks as needed

We will also consider alternative solutions such as a joint chair-ship. Any individual who wishes to step into either of these roles for the membership year 2023-24 will receive full support and mentorship from the current Chair. To ask questions or have an informal chat about any of these opportunities, please email Jordan, the current Chair.