UK: Bristol teen solicitor ‘feels ahead of the game’ after turning down university place

Megan Aze had secured a place at university but chose instead to “avoid debt” and take on an apprenticeship

A 19-year-old solicitor from Bristol says she has no regrets about turning down a place at university to take on an apprenticeship instead.

Megan Aze is a level seven apprentice solicitor who began her work at Co-op Legal Services offices in Bristol in September.

She’s set to complete her apprenticeship in 2027 when she will be fully qualified – all without going to university.

Megan had already secured herself a place to study law at Westminster University, but when she saw the opportunity at Co-op Legal Services she decided to apply.

She said: “People often ask me whether I have any regrets about missing out on student life and I can say I have absolutely none whatsoever.

“One of my concerns about going to university was the huge amount of debt that I’d come out with and what’s more, a lot of law graduates struggle to get training contracts anyway.

“I feel like I’m already a step ahead of the game, as my career has already started and I’m in a salaried role at a relatively young age.”

She says not going to university means she has been able to stay home living with her parents, and without the worry of student debt she has had a head-start on saving towards a house deposit.

Megan added: “With any luck I hope to get on the housing ladder in the next few years. This just wouldn’t have been possible if I’d gone away to university.”
