UK & US Lawyers Relocating To India According To Indian Media Report

Interesting little piece in the Indian Economic Times yesterday..

They write:

Lawyers from US, UK find jobs in India

BANGALORE: Indian law firms and legal process outsourcing outfits have been attracting many American and British law professionals in the past few months

The reason: The recession has severely impacted the global legal practising industry; one out of every 10 lawyers in the US is said to have been laid off. To cut cost, many corporations are discontinuing their contracts with external law firms or are outsourcing a substantial portion of their legal engagements to countries like India. This has resulted in a flood of US/UK lawyer CVs to India.

Mumbai-based legal process outsourcing (LPO) firm Mindcrest recently hired five senior US lawyers. It’s planning to hire another 10 American lawyers this year. Pangea3, another Mumbai-based LPO firm, recently hired three American legal professionals , while another two are expected to join the company within a month. SDD Global Solutions, a Mysore-based legal practices outsourcer, is also hiring many foreign lawyers.

Mindcrest MD Rohan Dalal said US corporates are significantly downsizing their corporate legal departments. ‘‘ Besides, having India on their CV will give a multi-culture dimension which could help them in future. It’s also good for Indian lawyers as they get global mentoring and guidelines.”