Twitter This Twitter That

A lot of legal Twitter info has turned up in our inbox this morning…so it’s time to share

First up we learn from our daily TrendCentral newsletter  that there will soon be a…..

Twitter Search Upgrade: Many Twitter devotees argue that Twitter’s search function can be faster and more relevant than any other search engine out there. While it is a bit limited in that it only contains tweet indexing, this is likely to change soon: It has been reported that Twitter’s search feature will soon begin to crawl links included in tweets – a major development, as so many Twitter users share links in their tweets – and will also allow Twitter to compete with other search engines, even Google, thanks to its real-time content delivery.

Another rumored development is a reputation ranking system for tweets; other search platforms, such as Tweefind, are also developing this useful Twitter tool, organizing search by user rank – an alternative, yet equally effective, way to search.

They also tell us about  Twitscoop    a real-time visualization tool, this platform allows users to explore the most current hot trends and buzz on Twitter by identifying breaking news, monitoring keywords, and creating graphs to display activity for any given word on the site. Some of its newest features include tag ranking, including an automatically updated tag cloud on the homepage, keeping Twitter fanatics constantly informed as to what’s going on in the Twitterverse.


The PR Lawyer has just published the following article at

The Great Debate: Blogging Vs. Twitter- Which is a Better Time Investment?

This blog post, 19 Reasons You should Blog and Not Just Tweet from Adam Singer at The Future Buzz, caught my eye recently. He highlights the importance of keeping up with blogging while everyone seems to be jumping on the Twitter bangwagon. Here at The PR Lawyer, we have been fans of Twitter for a while now, but I agree with Singer´s reasons for not neglecting your professional/ company blog.

Twitter, is the popular “micro-blogging” service that allows users to “tweet” or post 140-character messages answering the question, “What are you doing?” Singer points out that although Twitter is a great tool to post links and quick updates, that blogging is the “the strongest platform if you’re serious about sharing ideas and having a continued dialog with the world.”

He explains that blogging and tweeting should be done in conjunction, but the long term commitment for a company or professional should be to blogging not tweeting. I’d like to highlight some of his reasons below because I think he has some important points.

Having a blog with regular updates shows dedication to your industry. Those who stay committed to posting frequently can easily become thought leaders in their field, whether it´s public relations, marketing, and/or social media expertise.
Blogs allow for easy retrival of archived articles that can be valuable resources to consult later.
Blogs allow for more control over content and presentation of your work. (Plug-ins for example)
Twitter´s content is “snack-sized” while blogs provide a ¨square meal¨ to the readership.
A blog provides multiple ways to reach viewers through RSS or E-mail updates as well as full analytics of blog traffic and search engine optimization
A well organized and informational blog can be a link that other Twitter users are posting and tweeting about, thus giving you double the exposure.
If a blog continues to provide fresh, interesting content for readers, it should be able to withstand the rise and fall of new networking sites that can be popular one day and turn into old news the next week. It remains to be seen if Twitter is here to stay.
While Twitter is great for connecting with other users, drawing readers and drumming up interest, I agree with Singer that blog wrtiting and development should take precendent over Twitter because a blog is your material in your personal web space.

Lastly, Singer notes that while blogging has lost a lot of its original appeal in the long run it will still prove more helpful than Twittering will be when done alone. Ultimatelythose interested in long term growth should maintain a presence on Twitter while maintaining their blogging.


The Legal IT Professionals Website has their top 10 list of legal IT Twitterers worth following

Ten legal technology twitterers worth following           

Of course we encourage you to follow us on Twitter if you want to stay up to date with the latest legal technology news, vacancies and events. But there is more legal technology on Twitter worth following. These are our ten favorites:
@nooption – An experienced IT manager (Jason Plant) working for a large global Law Firm in the UK. It’s worth checking his blog as well and don’t forget to check the meaning of the name, great!
@ronfriedmann – Ron is a non-practicing lawyer with two decades of experience at the intersection of law practice, law business, outsourcing, e-discovery, knowledge management, and technology.
@rkodner – Ross has been a legal technology/law practice management consultant, CLE educator and author since 1985. Together with colleagues he also maintains the Ross Ipsa Loquitur blog.
@lawtechTalk – Connecting law, technology & Web 2.0–legal technology consulting services for busy lawyers.
@LegalTechTrek –’s own Legal Technology Editor Sean Doherty.
@FourthEstate – Charles Christian, owner of the Orange Rag Blog, barrister turned writer, editor, legal technology journalist, poetry publisher, photographer, blogger and storyteller.
@ltrc – ABA’s Legal Technology Resource Center.
@eLawNYC – Following Trends in Legal Technology.
@eDiscovery09 – Uniting Legal, IT, and Judicial Views on the eDiscovery front.
@dominicjaar – E-discovery, information management and legal technology expert.

You can link to each Tweet via the original article at


And last but not least have their ranking of   20  Legal Twitters lawyers should follow

Caveat: This is just a partial list sorted in alphabetical order with each Twitterer’s self-proclaimed description in 140 characters or less. Since I currently follow more than 1,000 sources on Twitter, I highly encourage you to check them all out at @ginarubel. I tend to follow lawyers, legal marketers, social media experts, members of the media, business consultants and experts, best selling authors, legal service providers, people talking about life and business in Philadelphia, public relations and marketing experts and a few others in categories of particular interest to me.

  • @22twts: Helping lawyers tell their stories, one tweet at a time.
  • @ABAjournal: Continuous news updates from the United States’ most-read and most-respected legal affairs magazine and Web site.
  • @amlawdaily: The source for daily legal business news and analysis of leading law firms.
  • @aricpress: Aric Press is editor-in-chief of The American Lawyer, an Incisive Media publication.
  • @barrettdavid: The LinkedIn Lawyer; solid content and links in all tweets mostly about social media with a few potential client referrals.
  • @dougcornelius: Chief compliance officer for a real estate private equity company trying to stay in touch and up-to-date with the world. GeekDad.
  • @jdtwitt: JD Supra. Ex-Yahoo writer. Editor. Poet. All-around word guy.
  • @justiacom: Justia Web site and lawyer directory announcements.
  • @kevinokeefe: Lawyer, dad to 5, husband to saint, Cubs-Packer fan. CEO of LexBlog, provider of professional blogs to law firms; operator of LexTweet; LexMonitor.
  • @lancegodard : International legal business development and marketing consultant. I help law firms grow and prosper.
  • @legalblogwatch: Blawgers Robert Ambrogi and Carolyn Elefant track, discuss and parse the latest developments in the legal blogosphere.
  • @mashable: The hottest Twitter news, Twitter tips and Twitter help. Plus, the best social media links around!
  • @mbeese: Leadership, biz dev and marketing consultant that works with lawyers and other professionals.
  • @michaelport: Bio father, friend, lover, revolutionary, big thinker … and best selling author.
  • @nancyfox: Business development; networking specialist and connector.
  • @nancymyrland: Professional marketing adviser: Are you ready to grow?
  • @neenjames: International productivity expert.
  • @philacourts: Philadelphia court news.
  • @taxgirl: Mom, tax lawyer, coffee drinker, manic blogger, iPod addict — not a sleeper.
  • @thelegalintel: The Legal Intelligencer is the nation’s oldest daily legal newspaper.