Turkish Law Blog – Latest Updates


     Commercial & Corporate     

The Regulation Amending the Independent Audit Regulation

DL Attorneys at Law

Estate Planning for the Business Owner Series, Part 3: Examples of Business Transfers and Valuations

Blank Rome LLP

Enflasyon Düzeltmesi Uygulayan ?irketlerde Esas Al?nacak Finansal Tablolara ?li?kin Tebli?

DL Attorneys at Law

Proposed Increases to Section 301 Duties on Batteries, Battery Components, and Critical Minerals

Blank Rome LLP

Recent International Trade Activity Impacting Imported Solar Panels

Blank Rome LLP

Estate Planning for the Business Owner Series, Part 1: The Business Owner as a New Client

Blank Rome LLP


A Less Stringent Approach to the Deletion of Data during Dawn Raids?

Gen Temizer

The Latest Competition Law Amendment – Any Change?

Gen Temizer

     Data Protection & Privacy     

Significant Points for the Protection of Personal Data in the Structuring of an Ethics Hotline

DL Attorneys at Law

Etik Hat Kurgusunda Ki?isel Verilerin Korunmas? Bak?m?ndan Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler

DL Attorneys at Law


The Amendment Law concerning Crypto Assets has been approved by the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly

SRP Legal

The Crypto Law of the Europe’s Biggest Crypto Market Is Here!

Ünsal Law Firm

Kripto Varl?klara ?li?kin Kanun De?i?ikli?i Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Genel Kurulu’nda Kabul Edildi

SRP Legal

     Insurance & Reinsurance     

Insurance Litigation 2023 – Part 1


Insurance Litigation 2023 – Part 2


Insurance Litigation 2023 – Part 3


     Intellectual Property     

Work Bearing the Characteristics of Its Author and the Signs of Work

Gün + Partners

A Current Plagiarism Debate: “Bit Palas vs. Sinek Saray?”

Gün + Partners

Court of Cassation Decision Linking the Completion of Films to Obtaining of the Film Registration Certificate

Gün + Partners

Artificial Intelligence and Music Industry

Gün + Partners

Decision on the Protection of Neighboring Rights in Cinematographic Works

Gün + Partners

What Will Be the Fate of the Guarantee Provided for the Preliminary Injunction Decision?

Gün + Partners

Turkish Legislation Offers Various Solutions to Tackle Trademark Squatting

Gün + Partners

     Labor & Employment     

K?sa Çal??ma ve K?sa Çal??ma Ödene?ine ?li?kin Usul ve Esaslar Hakk?nda Yönetmelik ile Getirilmi? Olan De?i?iklikler

Özay Law Firm

     Life Sciences & Healthcare     

Türkiye ?laç ve T?bbi Cihaz Kurumu Yeni Tan?t?m Yönetmeli?i Tasla??n? Yay?mlad?


     Media & Entertainment     

“Smart Sign” in News Bulleting and News Programs

Biçer Güner

Gambling Operation in the Current Context. How to Find the Balance Between Budgetary Optimization, Social Protection and Economic Freedom for Organizers?

Mu?at & Asociatii

Haber Bültenleri ve Haber Programlar?na “Ak?ll? ??aret”

Biçer Güner

     Real Estate     

Announcement of TKGM Circular No. 2024-4

Gen Temizer

TKGM 2024-4 Say?l? Genelgesi Aç?kland?

Gen Temizer

     Restructuring & Insolvency     

?cra ?nkar Tazminat?nda Borçlunun ?tiraz?n?n Haks?z Olmas? ve Likid Alacak Kavramlar?

AESY Legal


Reminders Regarding the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) Notification

Özbilen Aykut Attorney Partnership

Estate Planning for the Business Owner Series, Part 2: Valuing the Business

Blank Rome LLP

Gerçek Faydalan?c? (UBO) Bildirimi Hakk?nda Hat?rlatmalar

Özbilen Aykut Attorney Partnership

     White-Collar Crimes & Investigations     

Duru?ma Zab?tlar?nda Bulunmas? Gereken ?bare: Müvekkilim Hakk?nda Beraat Karar? Verilmesi Aksi Halde “Lehe Hükümlerin Uygulanmas?”

Mustafa T?rt?r Law Firm