Turkey: Severe Police Brutality Against Two Lawyers at Istanbul Police Station

Center for Defending Defenders of The Arrested Lawyers Initiative

Incident Overview – June 27, 2024

On the night of June 27, 2024, lawyers ?ehnaz Altunkaya and Bahtiyar Kande?er visited the Istanbul Directorate of Organized Crime to inquire about the whereabouts and welfare of two clients who were reportedly detained without formal arrest warrants. What was intended as a professional visit to ensure the rights and safety of their clients quickly escalated into a violent encounter with the police officers stationed there.

Sequence of Events

Upon arrival, both lawyers were informed that their clients were being held but were subjected to an excessive waiting period without any updates, raising initial concerns about the transparency and cooperation of the police. As the night progressed, the situation deteriorated rapidly when both lawyers attempted to re-enter the station after being initially barred from seeing their clients.

Assault Details

At approximately 1:00 AM, ?ehnaz Altunkaya reported being surrounded and attacked by 7-8 male officers. She detailed a brutal assault where she was pushed down stairs, repeatedly kicked, spat upon, and handcuffed with excessive force behind her back. “Despite my small stature and non-threatening appearance, they accused me of resisting and subjected me to severe and disproportionate violence,” Altunkaya recounted, highlighting a disturbing use of force by the police officers involved. This abuse occurred primarily out of the view of surveillance cameras, suggesting a deliberate attempt to avoid accountability.


Turkey: Severe Police Brutality Against Two Lawyers at Istanbul Police Station