Tunisia: Nonviolence Organization calls on authorities to release rights lawyer Jawhar Ben Mubarak

The Nonviolence Organization “Free Muslim” has called on the Tunisian authorities to reconsider the case of lawyer Jawhar Ben Mubarak and the tense circumstances his arrest created.

The organization urged the authorities to reconsider their decision and release the detained lawyer immediately.

In a statement received by Shia Waves Agency, the organization said that it “reviewed the case of the Tunisian lawyer Jawhar Ben Mubarak and the reactions of human rights organizations regarding his arrest.”

The organization said that it “believes that the accusations against Ben Mubarak appear to be unfounded and motivated by malicious intent, as part of a broader trend of oppressive measures aimed at silencing peaceful national opposition.”

The Free Muslim expressed deep concern over “the growing violations in Tunisia, a country that had previously risen against dictatorship and tyranny,” warning of “the dangers of turning a blind eye to past experiences.”

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Tunisia: Nonviolence Organization calls on authorities to release rights lawyer Jawhar Ben Mubarak