I think i detect just a hint of sarcasm, very un-American!


Hosanna to the highest! Hosanna. President Trump has finally ended racial discrimination in America. After the Middle Passage lasting 350 years, a civil war and another 150 years of reconstruction, interposition and nullification, the Great White Hope done outdid the Emancipation Proclamation. All it took was an Executive Order.  Laawwd Jesus, why didn’t someone think of this sooner? I knew he was greater than Abraham Lincoln. Just like he said. I knew! From this day forward there shall be no more racial discrimination in America. Free at last, free at last!

I don’t know why nonprofits are still worried about their social justice missions.  But sure enough, stakeholders are starting to wonder aloud what the effect of Trump’s pen stroke will be on their nonprofit missions:

Potential Implications for Nonprofits Beyond Employment Matters

DEI principles are integral, and in some cases central, to the mission of many nonprofits. The DEI EO is drafted broadly and could encompass programmatic activities in addition to employment-related or contractual matters. As a result, while some organizations may be more risk averse and may elect to change or terminate certain programs, other organizations may decide to stay the course and continue to pursue programs that could draw the attention of the Administration, Attorney General, or relevant agencies. The decision will depend in part on the organization’s specific priorities and level of risk aversion. If an organization ultimately seeks to terminate programs or make fundamental changes to their mission, there may be other legal impediments that could arise under the federal tax law and state nonprofit laws, particularly those that apply to charitable organizations.

Even if remedial efforts to eliminate effects of discrimination are not unconstitutional, as Colinvaux argues, there is nothing in the Constitution that says a government must undertake or fund such efforts directly or via tax exemption.  Moreover, the order directs DOJ to attack private sector efforts and undertake other actions to discourage the private section away from remedial efforts. Nonprofits are part of the private sector even if publicly funded. I guess the EO shines a spotlight on the Fearless Funds out there. 

full post


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