True Blue!! Australian lawyer in disciplinary proceedings tells Law Society to “Fuck off”

Roll on Friday has the fruity language

In one email, Sideris wrote: “F*CK off the lot of you, you bunch of idiots” and then, “let me be a little nicer – F*CK OFF”. Others simply stated “better yet” or “so simply put” above an attachment of a middle finger picture, according to a report in Lawyers Weekly. In other correspondence, he threatened to take things to the “nth degree”.

An Australian lawyer facing striking-off proceedings for using “inappropriate language”, has responded by telling the Law Society to “F*ck off”.

George Sideris, a lawyer in New South Wales, Australia, faced allegations of professional misconduct earlier this year, in a case brought by the NSW Law Society.

The Law Society had accused Sideris of sending “discourteous and plainly inappropriate” correspondence to other parties in a case for his mother-in-law, and for making “baseless” allegations against an opposing solicitor. The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) found Sideris guilty of professional misconduct.

Sideris did not attend the hearing, informing the tribunal and the Law Society that he had a “lot of things to do” before a funeral abroad, and could not “meet with you bunch of inconsiderate people”.

It has now emerged that since facing the charges, Sideris has accused the NSW Law Society of “stupidity” and labelled their disciplinary action against him as being “ridiculous” and “totally unnecessary”, in communications to its in-house legal team and their external lawyers.

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