Troy McKenzie Appointed as Dean of NYU School of Law

The Press Release


NYU President Andrew Hamilton and Provost Katherine Fleming today named Troy McKenzie–the Cecelia Goetz Professor of Law, Faculty Co-Director of the NYU Law Institute of Judicial Administration, and Faculty Co-Director of the NYU Law Center on Civil Justice–as Dean of the NYU School of Law.

NYU Law Professor and Alum Named to Lead School

NYU President Andrew Hamilton and Provost Katherine Fleming today named Troy McKenzie – the Cecelia Goetz Professor of Law, Faculty Co-Director of the NYU Law Institute of Judicial Administration, and Faculty Co-Director of the NYU Law Center on Civil Justice –  as Dean of the NYU School of Law. The appointment will be effective June 1, 2022.

A highly regarded legal scholar whose areas of study include bankruptcy, civil procedure, complex litigation, and the federal courts, McKenzie has a long connection to the school, having been a member of the faculty since 2007 as well as a 2000 graduate of the school.

President Hamilton said, “Support for Troy McKenzie as dean is both universal among Law School constituencies and overwhelming. He is widely admired for his good judgment, his equanimity, his respectful treatment of colleagues, his wide-ranging scholarly interests and support of colleagues, his readiness to mentor and support students, his dedication and work ethic, and his manifest love of the school. His range of experience, which encompasses both private law and public law, is highly respected and considered a great asset. He has compiled a great record of achievement and exceptional service within the field, the profession, and the University.

“He is, in short, an outstanding choice to lead NYU’s School of Law, one of the finest law schools in the world.”

Prof. McKenzie’s publications include Judge Shopping; Internal and External Governance in Complex Litigation; Toward a Bankruptcy Model for Non-Class Aggregate Litigation; and Judicial Independence, Autonomy, and the Bankruptcy Courts. He is the recipient of two Distinguished Teaching Awards at NYU, is the faculty advisor to the New York University Law Review, and is faculty director of the Law School’s AnBryce Scholarship Program.

He served as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice during the Obama Administration; clerked for Judge Pierre N. Leval of the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and for Justice John Paul Stevens of the US Supreme Court; was appointed by the Chief Justice of the United States to serve as a member of the Judicial Conference Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure and reporter to the Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules; and is a member of the National Bankruptcy Conference and the Council of the American Law Institute, among other accomplishments and honors. Prior to joining the NYU School of Law faculty, he was a litigation associate at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.

He received a BSE degree in chemical engineering from Princeton University, and his JD degree, magna cum laude, from the NYU School of Law, where he was executive editor of the New York University Law Review and a member of the Order of the Coif.

President Hamilton continued, “I want to offer two important expressions of thanks. First, to all the members of the Dean Search Committee, which was so ably led by Professor Rachel Barkow—the University is grateful for all the time and effort they put into the search and its excellent outcome. Second, I want to thank the outgoing dean, Trevor Morrison, for his exceptional service as dean. His tenure was marked by many, many successes and accomplishments. He did an exceptional job, and leaves the Law School far stronger than he found it.”