Tresscox Confirms Redundancies To Australian Legal Press

The RBI publication … The New Lawyer has reported this morning that……..

Hayden Guthrie   writes for the New Lawyer ….

TressCox Lawyers has confirmed rumours circulating in the legal industry about staff cut-backs in a statement to The New Lawyer.

Recent reports say that at least a dozen staff have been made redundant by the firm. TressCox would not detail the exact numbers involved but managing partner Peter Smith said they are adjusting their staffing requirements in line with tough financial times.

“We confirm that in response to the global financial crisis, we are realigning and refocusing our practice to ensure we are in the best possible position to service our clients both in the immediate and longer term,” he said.

“As a result we have made a limited number of redundancies, each of which has been very regrettable.”

But Smith was scant on details, saying that the firm is focusing on its future: “As you can imagine this is a challenging time for the firm and for our people (as it is for the community as a whole) so apart from this statement we will not be making any further comments.”

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