Both big players appear to fixating on Brazil and S America as the future source of revenue. TR West have lunched? Revista dos Tribunais Online, geared they say “expressly for Brazilian legal professionals and incorporating the more than 900 editions of Revista dos Tribunais that have been published without interruption since 1912.”
Here’s the PR in full
With the launch of Revista dos Tribunais Online, Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals, is investing in its Brazil-based operations and bringing its market-leading electronic platforms to a part of the world where legal research has, until now, been dominated by print resources.
Thomson Reuters acquired Editora Revista dos Tribunais, Brazil’s leading legal publisher, in May 2010. Revista dos Tribunais Online combines the technology that powers Westlaw, the leading legal research product in the United States, with the high-quality content and intimate market knowledge available in the volumes of Revista dos Tribunais. The result is a comprehensive, first-of-its-kind product that gives legal professionals a full view of Brazilian legal information and promises to dramatically increase productivity for legal professionals across the country, which is second only to the United States in numbers of attorneys per capita.
“Legal systems around the world are becoming increasingly complex,” said Gonzalo Lissarrague, president of Latin America for the Professional Division of Thomson Reuters. “There is exponential growth in the number of laws, judgments and opinions, and only with the most advanced technology can one access a panoramic view of the applicable legal frameworks.”
The new electronic platform, which was specially developed for the needs of the Brazilian legal system with the assistance of a committee of experts, will feature all of Brazil’s federal legislation plus years of doctrine and jurisprudence journals published by Revista dos Tribunais. All content is referenced and is searchable within a deep contextual framework provided by the history, credibility and editorial quality of Revista dos Tribunais.
“Revista dos Tribunais Online is leading the way in modernizing the legal research tools available to professionals in Brazil,” said Antonio Belinelo, managing director, Revisita dos Tribunais. “This product will bring about a richer view of Brazil’s legal system by enabling legal professionals to search for and find a century of tradition and editorial excellence in just a few clicks. Revista dos Tribunais Online truly will revolutionize the Brazilian legal industry.”
“The service is admirable. It’s really innovative,” said Ives Gandra Martins, a tax lawyer, professor and renowned jurist in Brazil, who is also a member of the Revista dos Tribunais advisory board.
“I have no doubt it will be a very effective tool for lawyers’ success,” added former Justice Minister Miguel Reale Junior, now a lawyer, professor and advisory board member. “I think that this product that Thomson Reuters and Editora Revista dos Tribunais now brings to market will help a lot in our daily work in the courts.”
An official product launch set for April 7 in Sao Paulo is expected to be attended by leading lawyers, jurists, journalists, opinion leaders and global executives, including Thomson Reuters Chief Executive Officer Tom Glocer and Thomson Reuters General Counsel Deirdre Stanley. The launch of Revista dos Tribunais Online expands the company’s footprint in this key strategic market, and follows the Brazil launch of Eikon, the company’s next-generation desktop for financial market professionals, last month.
“There are some 600,000 lawyers in Brazil,” said Jim Smith, chief executive officer, Thomson Reuters Professional Division , “and we are well positioned to serve this important market with next-generation tools that meet the needs of business and legal professionals in the region. We’re doing this by building upon the blueprint that has made our Westlaw online service the gold standard for legal professionals around the world: exceptional content, state of the art technology and an unmatched reputation for service excellence.”