Top 50 Library Blogs

Get has published their top 50 list of library blogs..

Being a US site you’ll find the list is as always somewhat US centric – but worth a quick look if you have time… yet again we don’t make the listing boo hoo!

Here’s the  top 10 – click the link to get the full 50….

The Top Fifty Librarian Blogs

Being a librarian these days is about a lot more than getting lost among stacks of books. It’s a career of technology and of the transmittance of knowledge, and as such many librarians have taken to the web, sharing their thoughts and musings all across the blogosphere. Here, we bring you what we think are some of the best library-related blogs that the internet has to offer.

1. — Holding strong since 1999, rural librarian Jessamyn West relays her thoughts and observations on the evolution of library science technology in what is thought to be “the first single-editor library-oriented weblog.”

2. David Lee King — Digital Branch and Services Manager at the Topeka and Shawnee Public Library, King blogs about library websites and the future of digital technology in relation to library science. (Not to mention fun digital trend-related topics like videoblogging and web 2.0!)

3. Free Range Librarian — K.G. Schneider is the free range librarian, community librarian for Equinox by day and blogger by night. This is her personal blog, detailing her travels and thoughts on writing, librarianship, and the world at large.

4. Hey Jude — Judy O’Connell has a long list of credentials as both a professional and an educator on the subject of information science. In this blog, she reflects on her work, her new experiences, and the changing world of learning.

5. Walt at Random — Walt Crawford is the editorial director for the Library Leadership Network, and has over 40 years of public and college library experience under his belt. While he runs a separate newsletter, this is his personal blog with his own expert musings on music, media, and library science.

6. Annoyed Librarian — The Annoyed Librarian is a mystery blogger, ranting from the shadows with wit and venom. While her posts are quite polarizing, they are topical and discussed enough to become required reading.

7. DIY Librarian — This is the personal blog of Tara Murray, Information Core Director at Penn State University. Dubbed “Librarianship for the People,” her blog details library conference adventures, memes and fun things, and minutiae about days in the life of a good old-fashioned librarian.

8. Information Wants To Be Free — Meredith Farkas is a self-professed tech geek, a published writer with a book about social software in libraries to her credit, and the Distance Learning Librarian at Norwich University. Her blog reflects all sides of her multifaceted life, as well as how to use those social tools of the profession to best serve library patrons.

9. Stephen’s Lighthouse — Stephen Abram is the vice-president of the world’s leading library software company SirsiDynex, and Stephen’s Lighthouse is his personal blog on topics like information technology, social networking, and anything else that may catch his eye.

10. Tame the Web
— Michael Stephens is Assistant Professor at Dominican University’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Here he writes on library issues, information and social technologies, and how they relate to the people they serve.